Dirty Rice
When you don’t feel like cooking too much of anything and one skillet meal is a good choice . That’s what I did . This turned out to be a very cheap meal . I got turkey on sale , was only $1.39 .
Unfortunately I don’t have the exact measurements for spices .

Ingredients :
- 140 g uncooked brown rice , to be cooked separately until almost done
- 180 grams , about large yellow bell pepper
- 200 grams onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 8 oz baby Bella mushroom
- 14 oz diced tomatoes
- Garam masala
- Coriander
- Cumin
- Smoked paprika
- Salt , pepper
- Chicken bouillon cube
- Olive oil
- 1 lb lean ground turkey 93/7

Directions :
- Cook rice ahead. Check your direction . I usually be use equal ratio for this but since I’m going to add it into the skillet , I cut the water just by a little .
- Heat up oil , add all vegetables except tomatoes .
- Cook several minutes until onion started to caramelized
- Add turkey
- Add seasonings . I can’t tell you how much since I just eyeball everything .
- Add tomato . Mix until turkey is almost done
- Add in rice . Stir . Mix well . Cook until turkey is done .

Serving 5 , about 320 grams each serving
Macros 290 cal , 32C 8F 22P