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Roasted chicken breasts with leeks , thyme and pancetta

Another great recipe from Jamie Oliver , this one was also super easy , but not too quick to make . Unless you’re making it with boneless chicken . You have to be really careful when baking / cooking chicken breasts , because a lot of people tend to overcook it , and ends up with dry chicken breast . This is one of the reason i’ve never liked chicken breasts , until i found out how to really cook it right , not overcook it !!

Anyway , i used chicken breasts with bone in this recipe , i removed the skin , and the rest was just so easy , here is one tip for you , so u won’t overcook it , make sure you stick meat thermometer in there , so u wouldn’t end up with raw or overcook chicken . If you can’t find pancetta , which is italian bacon , you can always use regular bacon , it should work just fine too .

You need :

4 chicken breasts with bone or boneless ( i used with bone ) , remove the skins , discard them , set aside .

In a bowl , mix :

3 leeks , washed and chopped into 1/4 inch

leaves from bunch of thyme sprigs

salt and black pepper

few glugs of olive oil

2-3 tbsp. margarine

couple glugs of white wine

Mix them all together in a bowl

1. Pour the mixture into a 9×13 inch baking dish , wrap the chicken breasts with pancetta , arrange the chicken on top of the leeks mixture .Drizzle with olive oil and scatter some thyme sprigs on top of the chicken .

Bake at 400 F , for an hour for bone in chicken , and maybe about 35 minutes for boneless chicken , use the meat thermometer until it reaches 160 F .

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