Oseng Tempe and Green Beans
So now that we have fresh , homemade delicious Tempe , what to do ? what do we use it for ? There are many ways to eat Tempe , you can pan fry , deep fry , with batter , as is , or steam , i never grilled them though . But i’ve had them in many different ways . The most famous one is to deep fry them , Indonesians love their deep fried food . Then eaten with simple warm white rice . Yum
I really wanted to steam this tempe actually and made sambal my own , but i didn’t have some ingredients such as tomatoes to make sambal , although i had plenty of cayenne pepper / ghost peppers . I ended up making this as easy and quick dish , just like my mom used to make . She called this Oseng Oseng Tempe Buncis ( buncis = green beans )

You would need to cut the tempe to your preference , you can cut it rectangular , or thin strips or dice , whatever . Then you will need to pan fry the tempe . You see , i did more like a pan frying than deep frying . You can use more oil but i prefer to use as little oil as possible . No you can’t use olive oil spray , not enough oil to brown all of the side .

Ingredients :
- 280 grams fresh tempe , diced
- 115 grams fresh green beans
- 1 large shallots
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 jalapeno
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- salt and pepper
- oil for deep frying
- 3-4 tbsp sweet soy sauce ( could be more if you prefer , it is sweet )
- Water , about 1/4 cup

Directions :
- You will need to heat up enough oil to deep fry or pan fry the tempe , make sure it’s brown on all side . Set aside
- Heat up little oil , saute garlic , shallots , coriander , salt and peppers for few minutes . Add green beans , cook for few minutes , i like my green beans crunchy , then add the fried tempe . Add soy sauce , mix well . Add 1/4 cup of water and keep cooking until water is almost all gone .
- Done , served with rice or quinoa .