Cinnamon Swirl Bread
It was a hot day , there is basically nothing i wanted to do . Well i do want to something .. but it’s too hot , too hot to go out , wanted to get my pedicure done , too hot just to drive there , wanted to visit a friend .. don’t feel like it because it’s too hot !!
What to do ? what should i do ? I asked my husband ..
He said ” just make a bread .. you know cinnamon swirl .. ”
Me ” cinnamon buns ? ”
He said ” No .. the swirl .. ”
Oh .. great idea .. why not trying it since i never made cinnamon swirl bread , i am sure it’s not hard at all ..
So there it was .. cinnamon swirl bread in the making , while outside is 100’s F something .. with heat index up to the 110 F .. we were advised not to spend too long of outdoor activity ,instead .. LET’S BAKE BREAD ! Lol ..
You need :
1/6 cup of warm tap water
2 1/4 tsp of active dry yeast
1/2 cup of warm milk
1 tsp . of vanilla extract
1 egg
1/4 cup of sugar AND 1/2 cup of sugar
3 tbsp. of melted butter
1 tbsp. of ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. of salt
About 3 cups of bread flour
1. Mix the warm water with yeast until it dissolve , let it sit about 5 minutes , it should be foamy .
2. Warm up the milk , then add melted butter , add vanilla extract , 1/4 cup of sugar , salt and beaten egg .
3. Mix the yeast mixture with milk mixture .
4. In a large bowl , add in 2 1/2 cup of bread flour , add the yeast milk mixture , then mix with wooden spoon until it’s hard to stir , scrape off the dough on the spoon , flour your hand , and start mixing with hand . Add in more flour as needed , do not add too much or your bread will be too dry , too little it will be too sticky . You might need all the way to 3 cups , or a little under 3 cups , add in while kneading the dough , the dough should clean the side of the bowl and elastic . Knead for extra 6 minutes .
5. Butter the large bowl , place the dough in the bowl , cover with plastic wrap . Let it sit for 1 hour in a warm place to proof ( double in size )
6. Take the dough out , do not punch it down , just stick your finger in and deflate the dough , take it out , and roll it out into rectangle , 18 by 8 inches , sprinkle the sugar cinnamon evenly all over the dough . Roll it from the short side . Place it on a buttered loaf pan , and let it rise again for 40 minutes .
7. Once it’s done proofing , preheat oven 350 F and bake the bread for about 25-30 minutes . Take it out , brush with butter on top .