Food-Desserts,  Recipes-Desserts

Cat’s Tongue Cookies ( Lidah Kucing )

When i was younger i grew up with this kind of cookies , usually we bought it . We never made it ourselves .. and now that i know how to make it , it made me wonder .. why didn’t we make it ourself back then ? Why did we have to buy it ? It is easy to make , but the only thing is , it easily burnt , hence , we have to watch it . Even with watching it , you still have to becareful because you want them done . For me personally , i loved the burnt part , just like butter cookies , slight burn is always good 🙂

So here is my imperfect cat’s tongue with a hint of lemon in the vanilla .

You need :

1 stick of unsalted butter , softened

1/2 cup of sugar

dash of vanilla extract

1 tbsp. of lemon juice

2 egg whites

1/3 of all purpose flour

In a small bowl , cream the butter , add the sugar and vanilla , mix until smooth . Then add the egg white , mix til blended , add the flour , mix well until smooth . Put the batter into a ziploc bag , and then squeeze out pencil size about 3 inches length , 1 inch apart on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper . Bake at 400 F for 6-8 minutes .Watch them carefully it’s easily burnt .

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